Alexandria Zahra (7 yrs old) with Iman
Alexandria Zahra Jones

Alexandria Zahra Jones, nicknamed Lexi, was born 10 years ago.
years and have a seven-year-old daughter named Alexandria Zahra Jones.
Model Iman and her daughter Alexandria Zahra “Lexi” Jones,9,

name as Alexandria Zahra Jones. Iman is the stepmother of Duncan Jones,
Name: Alexandria Zahra Jones Abdulmajid. Nickname: Lexi.
Model Iman and her daughter Alexandria Zahra “Lexi” Jones,9,
Name: Alexandria Zahra Jones Abdulmajid. Nickname: Lexi. Age: 10 years old.

Fotografía 2: Alexandria Zahra Jones, David Bowie e Iman
the mother of his daughter Alexandria Zahra Jones.
Name: Alexandria Zahra Jones Abdulmajid. Nickname: Lexi. Age: 9 years old.
birth to their first child together, Alexandria Zahra.

Alexandria Zahra Jones. Iman is also stepmother to Duncan Jones,
name as Alexandria Zahra Jones. Iman is the stepmother of Duncan Jones,
Their daughter Alexandria Zahra Jones was born in 2000.
the mother of his daughter Alexandria Zahra Jones.
Iman, become the proud parents of Alexandria Zahra Jones.
They married two years later and have a daughter Alexandria Zahra Jones
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